Recently an event that rocked the city with the fashion show by famous designer Archana Kochhar was the Wedding Fair where ravishing models walked the ramp with gorgeous makeup by Shweta Sachani. Shweta Sachani, who is a Celebrity Makeup artist & founder of MAKEUP INDIA was praised by all for her superb makeup and styling techniques. Shweta also showcased her Makeup talent for the wedding and the party season on 21st December at Grand Hotel in Vasant Kunj.
Fashion Show is a part of Tranquil Wedding Fair - one-stop shop for the perfect traditional Indian weddings. Fashion show featured many models and celebrities making their own style statement. The event was so much more than a fashion show. Shweta Sachani has also conducted two days beauty workshop which included various tips for Makeup trends 2013, new looks for the wedding season, fresh party and ball looks for 2013, latest looks for winter 2012-13, and much more.
Shweta Sachani is a renowned Makeup Artist certified from Milan and Nail Artist certified from Star Nails, USA and always using Global Brands like MeMeMe cosmetics,UK, Beauty UK, UK, BellePierre, USA, in India.Her makeup style is so unique that it never looks overdone and reflects beauty in simplicity. Makeup India makes sure that all the cosmetic products offered by them are of utmost quality and satisfy the customer beauty needs.
For more information visit:
or call: +91-9873062760
Fashion Show is a part of Tranquil Wedding Fair - one-stop shop for the perfect traditional Indian weddings. Fashion show featured many models and celebrities making their own style statement. The event was so much more than a fashion show. Shweta Sachani has also conducted two days beauty workshop which included various tips for Makeup trends 2013, new looks for the wedding season, fresh party and ball looks for 2013, latest looks for winter 2012-13, and much more.
Shweta Sachani is a renowned Makeup Artist certified from Milan and Nail Artist certified from Star Nails, USA and always using Global Brands like MeMeMe cosmetics,UK, Beauty UK, UK, BellePierre, USA, in India.Her makeup style is so unique that it never looks overdone and reflects beauty in simplicity. Makeup India makes sure that all the cosmetic products offered by them are of utmost quality and satisfy the customer beauty needs.
For more information visit:
or call: +91-9873062760
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